Tag Archives: abuse


A Poem for the RISE UP campaign.

16 Days

Campaigning to end gender based violence.

Members of the Bristol Diocese Mothers’ Union raising
awareness of gender based violence 26 November 2022

Perhaps your first question is: Why 16 days? Why not a nice neat ten, or a straightforward 2 weeks? 16 Days is the time between 2 annual fixed dates in the calendar. The 25th November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. 16 Days later, on the 10th December, is Human Rights Day. The annual campaign is recognised and supported by the United nations (UN). It is joined in raising awareness of the issue by the international organisation, the Mothers’ Union (MU), of which I am proud to be a member (more about that here).

On the day I write this, 26th November 2022, the MU in the Bristol Diocese area of the United Kingdom, along with MU dioceses around the world, is holding an awareness event and vigil to make local people aware of the issue. The awareness campaign was lead by Bristol Diocese Mothers’ Union president, Jacky Frederickson. Readers of this blog may remember that this is not the first time I have addressed this issue (No More 1 in 3). It is however the first time I do so from a local and personal point of view.

Gender based violence is not exclusive to women but it accounts for the vast majority. I have no official figures but I’d guess probably over 90% is violence, or abuse of some kind, against women. I also think, and this is an entirely personal opinion for which I have no verifiable evidence, that violence against women is more prevalent in less developed, patriarchal nations and non-democratic societies.

Violence or physical attack is not the only form of abuse. It takes many forms including but not limited to, stalking, financial abuse, sexual abuse, mental, controlling behaviour. It might begin in a small way. Perhaps a subtle undermining here or there. A tacit or implied insult. Perhaps at first it won’t even be noticed or recognised for what it is. It might remain hidden for years.

In writing this I have of course had to consider my own behaviour. Certainly I’ve never been physically violent to any woman nor directly or intentionally engaged in any of the other behaviours I’ve mentioned. Might I through negligence or thoughtlessness? Have some of my occasional humorous asides been inappropriate? My friends in the MU will, I think, not take offence and will know that I am only joking. I trust they would have told me if they thought anything I said inappropriate. Could some of my words have offended or insulted any female, particularly any that don’t know me so well? I hope not. It was never my intent. However, back to the wider issue.

If you would like to offer support the campaign or be more aware of the issues, plenty of resources are available. Try UN Women, Women’s Aid and, the one in which I have a personal interest as a member, the Mothers Union.

If you would like to talk with somebody about abuse, the leaflet in this link has useful information and telephone helplines.

If you see gender based violence or think you do,
Don’t look away, act against abuse“.

P.S. Although I don’t appear in the header picture, because I was behind the camera, I joined the event. I was not just the photographer.

No More One In Three 1/2

End Abuse And Violence.


It is estimated that one in three girls and women will suffer some form of abuse during their lifetime. Mothers’ Union are highlighting the issue with a Global Day on the 27th November 2020. Sixteen days of action are planned beginning on Thursday 25th November 2021. What follows is a Mothers’ Union prayer in advance of those sixteen days.


Compassionate God, we come before you today as we pray for the 16 days of Activism campaign. We pray for the Church and for all those who are planning and preparing for the 16 days that start this Thursday 25 th November, the United Nations day for the Elimination of violence against women, and continue to December 10th, International Human Rights day. We pray that churches across the world will express their dismay and call for an end to gender based violence and abuse of women and girls, and that our voices may be heard by those who can bring about change.

We come together with 6000 organisations from approximately 187 countries to raise awareness of, and call for an end to gender-based violence and abuse in all its forms.

Lord of all, we pray that across the world the work of Mothers’ Union and other organisations in relationship education will bring about culture change and understanding amongst people who live where violence against wives and daughters is commonplace. Come alongside perpetrators Lord and help them to see other ways of living their lives, so that harmony and peace may prevail. Lord give strength to those who are suffering from coercive control in their relationships. We thank you God for legislation on this issue and we pray for effective resourcing and implementation to enable victims and families to regain their lives.

Throughout the 16 days Lord please hear our prayers each day. We pray for women and girls living with health problems due to Female Genital Mutilation which affects 200 million women and girls worldwide. We pray for an end to this harmful practice.

Father of all we pray for children, often the unseen and unheard victims of domestic violence. We pray for every child who is a survivor of violence in the home. May they find help and support. Worldwide, children make up 20% of trafficked victims. We pray for all people that are trafficked and are living in desperate situations. We pray for an end to their suffering and that they will know that you Lord walk alongside them in their pain

Compassionate God, we pray for the elderly and the disabled who may be subject to abuse from carers or family members. Lord we pray for those who are suffering mental health problems as a result of living in a violent or abusive situation. We pray that they will seek and find help and know that we are all one in Christ. We are all created equal and are together one with Christ. We pray that we may bring love and respect into the small and hidden places, to those who feel unvalued and unseen.

We pray for your healing touch and loving arms to wrap around all those who are unwell in body mind or spirit, for all who are living in difficult situations, and for all who mourn the loss of a loved one.

Merciful father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
