Tag Archives: domestic abuse


A Poem for the RISE UP campaign.

No More 1 in 3

Mothers’ Union Campaign against Domestic Abuse.

In 2023 the Mothers’ Union (MU) is once again campaigning to raise awareness of domestic and sexual abuse, to bring an end to it. This year MU is joining forces with Women’s Aid in pursuit of the goal.

It is estimated that one in three women (1 in 3) will suffer some kind of abuse during their lifetime, more than 1.5 million every year. It is not just women who suffer. There are thought to be about one in seven (1 in 7) children too. It is time to end it. For years I had assumed that abuse meant physical abuse. Imprisonment, violence, humiliation. More recently I am aware that abuse can take many other forms.

Abuse can be financial, emotional, coercive, undermining, subversive, restrictive, sexual. I’m not sure if all of these are officially recognised. They are what comes to my mind.

Shadow Minister for Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding, Jess Phillips MP says: “For domestic abuse to truly end it requires every part of society to take action. It is wonderful that the 45,000 Mothers’ Union members across Britain and Ireland are standing up and being counted, not only taking action as individuals but also sharing information and support with the wider community.” 

Mothers’ Union will be taking part in 16 days of activism to highlight and campaign against abuse. The initiative was started over 30 years ago. The United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and Abuse is an annual international campaign. It begins on 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The Mothers’ Union Global Day is on 26th November.

Show your support to this campaign in any way you can. Use the hashtags #MUEndAbuseTogether and #NoMore1in3 to show your support on social media. For more details download the MU/Women’s Aid flyer.

Related posts from 2021:
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NoMore1in3 2/2

P.S. For the avoidance of doubt if you haven’t read any of my other posts which mention the Mothers’ Union, I am a male member of this inspiring organisation so clearly not a mother.