Intercession Prayer for Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity Sunday

Heavenly Father and creator Lord, You watch over us through good times and times of trial. Hear this prayer that we offer in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Healer God, we pray for all affected by the global pandemic coronavirus. Especially we commend to you those who have lost family and friends to the infection. We remember too people who may not have been directly affected or infected but may have lost employment through measures to reduce the spread of the virus.

We give thanks for everybody who places themselves at risk of contracting the virus to continue to carry out necessary work, that must continue through the pandemic. We think of the NHS and medical staff in particular. We also remember all hospital staff, paramedics, cleaners, porters and maintainers.

We recollect anyone who might be exposed including emergency services, the military, delivery drivers and council workers and food producers.

Father, lead the scientists around the world researching a cure for Covid-19 and a vaccine, to prevent infection. Lead our governments and politicians directing the response to the pandemic. May their plans and actions reduce further infections and deaths to ease the restrictions we are living with.

We pray for our Clergy and everyone helping to keep our churches active, maintaining the fellowship of the community. We give thanks for the new ways to reach out to Church members and to the community.

Father God help those with children who may be unsure whether to send their children back to school, to consider rationally what is best for their children whose education has been interrupted and are missing their friends.

We bring before You the unwell and those self isolating. Be with them individually as in Your wisdom, you best fill their need for healing, support or comfort.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son, our saviour Jesus Christ.


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